Yorkshire Divide: Source to Sea 2024

Hebden Bridge, UK

The Yorkshire Divide's Source to Sea route takes in 10 of the major rivers in Yorkshire. It traverses over the old drovers lanes, bridleways, moorland singletrack and quiet country roads that run along the high ground and across the floodplain.

03:00, 25 May, 2024

Distance — Elevation

750 / 909km12,950m



Key Events

As the race commences, the key events and happenings will be tagged here.


Once riders are on the ground we'll be able to provide a live leaderboard here.

Events Feed

This race is yet to start. When the riders set off, we'll provide detailed updates from the ground. Our expert commentators will provide written and photo commentary to better understand what is happening on the map. In the meantime, take a look at the route in the tracking panel and learn more about racing from our features and results. If you'd like to commentate for this race, please email