

DotWatcher is the home for the best insight, analysis, and conversation from around the bikepacking community, published alongside everything needed to follow the action of the world’s biggest races.

For a long time, the best bikepacking coverage has been found in the forums and Facebook groups of avid dot watchers, who would scour social media and tracking maps and share their thoughts with the community. DotWatcher is a place where racers and fans can continue this conversation alongside tracking data and social media, making it easier to follow races and for newcomers to discover the sport.

If you are a race organiser and you'd like to get involved with DotWatcher commentary, please email us at

Do you have stories, photos, or insight that would be at home on DotWatcher? Drop us a line or find us on Instagram.

If your brand would be interested in supporting DotWatcher please email us at

DotWatcher is made possible by support from Apidura and Ride With GPS.

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If you’re interested in seeing your event on DotWatcher, contributing to DotWatcher's coverage, or offering other support or assistance, please get in touch at

Our Contributors